It’s a joy to write a book review for this important read. Angela Hanscom’s book, ‘Balanced and Barefoot’, is a perfect distillation of all of the reasons, rationale and purpose for why our children need to be active, outdoors, independent and in nature for their play.
It summarises powerfully all of the physical ailments, delayed development, lack of attention and emotional conditions that our young people experience today. But then goes on to create a compelling case, filled with anecdotes and research references, for how nature and unrestricted play outdoors develops the body and senses. This in turn creates happier, healthier children.
Who is it for?
It’s essential reading for parents, educators, therapists and play designers. And, although published 5 years ago, it is even more relevant today in a Covid and post Covid world. I urge you to read this book, share it with others and take from it the core messages. Use them to convince colleagues, peers, friends and those in your network to extend and deepen the opportunities for children to play outdoors at in all settings and at every opportunity.
We hope that, in doing so, we can encourage more schools, playgroups and parents take simple, practical steps. Together we can build strong physical and emotional wellbeing in our children from the youngest age.
Find more of our outdoor learning and nature-focused book reviews here.