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Here’s our latest review, this time we discuss a book by Bill Gates about avoiding a climate disaster.

Our reviews cover essential reading and listening (in our humble opinion of course), for those passionate about the natural world and how we live, work and learn within it. Some of these publications you will know well, others less so and some perhaps not at all. We believe they are useful for teachers, educators, parents and anyone involved in aspects of outdoor learning.

On one level they will add to your knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world. This can be linked to key parts of the curriculum through teaching and learning. On another important level, they provide us with insight, facts, great stories and activities that we can pass on directly to young people of all ages. We hope that you find this feature really useful.

We should stress that we are entirely impartial with these reviews. Additionally, we gain no commercial return for making these recommendations to you. They are just great reads that we have loved and learned from!

Once you have read our review, head over to Bill Gates’ blog and take his second climate change quiz to test your knowledge.


How To Avoid a Climate Disaster – The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need‘ by Bill Gates
Book Cover: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster - The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need

We love this book. It’s essential reading for anyone who is interested in our impact on the planet and what we might do to mitigate, and even negate the effects. It’s jammed full of facts, stats and challenges to perceived wisdoms around the causes of climate change.

Gates outlines what is happening in detail and why, through lots of real world and very up to date examples. He also outlines a detailed and concrete plan for what we can effectively do as individuals, regions, nation states and humanity as a whole to avoid the inexorable slide towards a climate change disaster. Hence, avoiding its irreversible effects. But, as you might expect from Bill Gates, it provides a really clear-eyed description of the challenges we face. It draws on his understanding of innovation and technology breakthroughs.

There is lots to take hold of and pass on from this book. Whether you are simply a concerned and interested individual or are teaching and influencing our next generation about climate change, it is well worth a read.

We hope that you enjoy it and get as much from it as we did.

5 star rating!



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