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‘UnLOC’ Your Teaching and Learning…
…with our 3-part system for instilling skills, confidence and great practice for outdoor learning across your entire staff team.
Our unique ‘UnLOC’ system for outdoor teaching and learning (LOC being an acronym for ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’) will enhance and accelerate the culture of teaching beyond the classroom at your school. UnLOC system has 3 parts and you are welcome to purchase and utilise 1, 2 or all 3 parts as you wish.
1. The LOC Handbook
Our LOC Handbook has over 150 lesson plans and many more activities for teachers to take their teaching and learning outside the classroom. The lesson plans are all subject and age specific. They will enable all teachers at your school to deliver safe, engaging and challenging activities for their students that will promote first class learning and engagement with your outdoor environment. They are focused on EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and support all areas of the curriculum. They are even laminated for durability and outdoor use.
These detailed plans and activity ideas will unLOC the ability of your staff to take all parts of the curriculum outdoors.
2. The LOC Staff Inset (half day or full day)
Our LOC events will instill the skills, confidence and content to enable teachers to start utilising their outdoor spaces during lessons or take their current outdoor learning practice to the next level. These innovative and inspiring workshop delivers strategies, ideas and tips to overcome the common barriers to LOC and a whole host of tried and tested tools, resources and activity ideas to make it easy and appealing any time.
Our whole staff Inset event will help to unLOC attitudes, methodology and a positive culture of learning beyond the classroom at your school.
Please see our training page for more information